Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Week 8

Dear students,
Today you will take your mid-term test. While you are doing the test, your teacher would like to check your portfolio, so please make sure to bring it to class. It should include your:
1) essay about retirement
2) group comparison essay
3) in-text citation matching exercise
4) works cited matching exercise
5) group final paper (typed)
6) map or outline of your final paper
Your portfolio is worth 30 points and you should hand it in today. Late portfolios will score a maximum of only 20 points.

Today's test is worth 10 points. You will have forty minutes. You should write a minimum of 250 words.
Test question:

More and more people are eating imported food these days. What are the reasons for this, and what can be done to promote local produce?

You will not be allowed dictionaries or cell phones, and there is no need to write references. You should, however, prepare to answer the question in advance.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 7

Dear students,
Today, I would like to check your final paper outlines and bibliographies. If your map is complete and can not be improved, and you have done all of your necessary reading, you may start writing your final paper. Please download the outline below if you wish.
Final Paper Outline
Individually, I would like to see your work at various stages. You will be marked complete at the following points:
1 map or outline and thesis statement or title
2 bibliography
3 introduction
4 first draft
5 edits and rewrites (as many as you wish)
6 final draft
You must show me your progress in order to earn credit for the course.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Friday, 21 October 2016

Week 6

Dear students,
Today you will read your group essay within your group. After that, please let your teacher take a look at it. If everything is fine, you may then start preparing for your final paper. If possible, by the end of the lesson you should have chosen your topic to research and have drawn a rough outline or map. You will also need to create a bibliography and start researching soon. Remember, your final paper should be new, interesting, researched, and have a critical thinking component.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Week 5

Dear students,
Today you will work in groups of four or five. You should choose a topic to write about, narrow the focus, draw a detailed map, do your reseach, and then write your part of the essay. A good thesis should be original, interesting, researched, and include critical thinking. Your group essay should be over 250 words long per person (over 1000 words) and include at least five references. Therefore your essay will have at least five APA formatted in-text citation markers together with their matching full APA formatted references in the Works Cited. All of your references should support and strengthen your thesis. A good reference is the opinion of an expert. A bad reference is something arbritary that you found on the Internet. Wikipedia is fine for this class, but the original source of the Wikipedia article (the references at the bottom of the page) may be better.

For homework, please type your part of the essay in APA format. You should use Times New Roman font. Your text should be 12-point and fully justified. Your references should be hanging indent, left justified. Everything should be double spaced.
It should look something like the file below:
You should include the full essay in your portfolio and highlight the parts that you wrote.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Week 4

Dear students,
Today you will read your summary of a novel that you wrote for homework. After you have finished, please show it to your teacher who will briefly check your in-text citation and Works Cited.
Please also bring a book to class today so that you can:
a) paraphrase a paragraph
b) cite a short quote
c) cite a long quote
Each of these intext citations should be in APA format, and you should also make reference to these in an APA formated Works Cited.
After that, you will study APA in more detail, so please download the files below.

APA Review
APA How to Cite
APA Works Cited Matching

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 15 lesson

Dear students, Today your portfolios will be returned to you. Then you will hand in your final paper. You must include the receipt of posti...