Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Week 15

Dear students,
Please upload your essay to the database using the link below.
You should then print out your receipt and staple it to the front of your final paper. Hand in your essay to me in class today. Your final paper assignment is worth fifty points.
Once the essays are collected, you will have a final ten-point test. This will be to summarize a story from one of today’s newspapers (either hardcopy or online), and include an opinion.
You should cite your source in APA and include an APA formatted reference. Write a multiple paragraph essay of at least 250 words.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

APA style preformated document

Dear students,
Microsoft provides a template already preformatted in APA style.  If you wish, please download a file and use it.
(Search: "preformatted APA .docx")


Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Week 14

Dear students,
Today I would like to see your portfolios (chapters 1-10) and final paper assignment drafts.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Week 13

Dear students,
Today you will learn about formatting and hand in your first draft of your final paper. Please download Chapter 10 and bring it to class.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 28 November 2017


Dear students,
Your deadlines are fast approaching. Please hand in your final paper assignment (50 points) and portfolio (30 points) during the last two lessons of the semester. Tuesday students, this means December 19th 2017 and January 16th, 2018; Thursday students, this means January 11th and 18th, 2018. (You will also have final 10-point test on the last day of the semester).
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 12

Dear students,
Today you will study about cohesion and coherence. Please download the print and bring it to class.
Chapter Nine
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Monday, 27 November 2017

Week 11

Dear students,
Today you will focus on academic vocabulary. Please download the chapter and bring it to class.
Chapter 10 - vocabulary
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Week 10

Dear students,
Today you will learn about introductions. Please download chapter 7 and bring it to class.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Week 9

Dear students,
Today you will repeat the mid-term test, which was largely done badly. After you have corrected your  essays and shown them to me, you may continue with your concept maps and annotated bibliographies.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Week 8

Dear students,
Today you will have your mid-term test. You will need to bring a novel to class in order to do the test.
You will write a literary commentary which includes a summary, a paraphrase and a quotation. You should also include APA formatted in-text citations and a reference. The minimum word count for this test will be 250 words.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 7

Dear students,
Today you will study about references. Please download the prints and bring them to class.

Chapter 6 - References

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 6

Dear students,
Week 6 was the effectively visit of the librarian.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Week 5

Dear students,
Please download week 5 prints, and bring them to class.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Monday, 9 October 2017

Week 4

Dear students,
Please download the week 4 prints and bring them to class.
Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Week 3

Dear students,
Please download chapter 3 and bring it to class.

If you downloaded before October 4th, 9:30pm, please download again (your version is now too different from the current version above). I am sorry about that.

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Librarian visit

Dear students,
Soon you will have a visit by a librarian who will help you to prepare for your research. Please take note of the date and place for your class.

9/26  () 5  ELVIN,Christopher --- 15502 -------14 students (single class)

10/19()2  [Two classes together in 233教室(96名教室)]

ELVIN,Christopher (28 students)  &  COUGHLIN, Mark ( 26 students)

10/24 ()4 [Two classes paired in 15407 call (46 seats)]

ELVIN,Christopher  26 students & ESSEX,James   27 students

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Week 2

Dear students,
Your homework was to finish the prints handed out in the first week of the semester, and to review them. Today you will start Chapter 2, so please download the prints and bring them to class.

Download Chapter 2

Kind regards,
Chris Elvin

Week 1 - Welcome to Chris Elvin's Academic Writing Class - September 2017

Academic Writing
Autumn 2017

Instructor:                     Chris Elvin
Email:                            chriselvin@gmail.com
Blog:                              http://elvinaw.blogspot.jp

Course Description

Welcome to Academic Writing. This class is designed to accomplish the following:

1) Write a 1500-word research essay.
2) Write direct and indirect quotations.
3) Paraphrase and summarize.
4) Use APA style to cite sources and compile reference lists.

Course Assessment and Grading Criteria

50%     A 1500-word research essay, which should include a detailed map or outline, and at least seven APA formatted in-text citation markers together with their corresponding correctly formatted references.

30%     A portfolio of all the work that you downloaded and did in class or finished for homework.

10%     A mid-term in-class essay

10%     A final in-class essay

Attendance Policy

You are expected to attend ALL classes. Your absences may affect your final grade.
Two or three late arrivals count as one absence. If you are very late or wilfully late, you will be considered absent. There is a grade ceiling policy depending on the absences you have from class.

Good luck!

Chris Elvin

Download Course Outline


You should check this blog every week; homework, including downloading is your responsibility.

Download Chapter 1 of Advanced Academic Writing Workbook (AAWW).

Week 15 lesson

Dear students, Today your portfolios will be returned to you. Then you will hand in your final paper. You must include the receipt of posti...